I would be lying to you if I said every day for the rest of your life you will wake up and this whole being healthy thing will be easy. Like anything in life, there are days when you want to throw in the towel. Do not be discouraged – as you stick to a lifestyle filled with health and wellness it will become easy and you will learn to love it. For the days, maybe even the weeks, where your mind is trailing into old habits or you need a little push, I would encourage you to read one of the below books.
I have read what feels like every health book on the market and these are ones which all said something that has stuck with me. Some of them focus on specific ways of eating, some may touch areas you want to explore or maybe not at all. Others simply serve as motivational pushes – we all need them at a point in our lives. Read each text with an open mind and take new information with a grain of salt. What works for one body does not work for everybody. Using the information I learned through years of self experimenting, my courses at Integrative Nutrition and thousands of pages of books like below, I have learned what works best for me and I know you can too.